Best Email Marketing Software for Real Estate in 2024

M. Usama
M. Usama

Last updated on

June 24, 2024

Real Estate is a competitive industry with over 1.5 Million active National Association of Realtors members. So, finding the best email marketing software for real estate in 2024 can be a hassle if you don’t know what you are looking for.

As a realtor, if you want to stand out from the others, you need to add email marketing to your social media marketing efforts. Why? Because email marketing can help you generate and nurture leads and automate emails to keep your clients engaged.

So, if you are ready to learn which email marketing software best suits your real estate needs, keep reading.

Features to look for in email marketing software for real estate

If you want to one-up other realtors and enjoy a competitive advantage, you must look for email marketing software.

Here is a guide to the features you should look for in the best email marketing software for real estate.

Pop-up forms

Pop-up forms are a great way to nudge your clients and customers to leave their information with you.

You need email marketing software to help you create cohesive pop-up forms and gather customer information and data. 

This can help you create an email list, which you can use to generate leads.

Web Tracking

Choose an email marketing software to monitor your campaigns and create reports to help you understand customer behavior.

This can help you create content that your customers will actually enjoy and also help you segment your customers based on their interests.

Email Templates

Email templates are a great and easy way to create unique email campaigns. Look for software with pre-built email templates like Mailmunch, where you can start by picking one and working on that to create your campaign.

An easy drag-and-drop feature is also a plus. It can help you create a great email without starting from scratch.


Automation is a must for email marketing software. You want to keep your customers engaged without sticking to your computers.

You can create automated campaigns with your top eye-catching listings and stories for your customers and automatically send them out when a client signs up for your service.

Reporting and Analytics

Whether in real estate or managing a store, you need access to analytics. You need to know what appeals to your customers and how you can make things work right.

Look for email marketing software that provides detailed and advanced analytics and helps you create unique email marketing campaigns.

A Quick Pick Section To Use Best Email Marketing Software for Real Estate

Mailmunch - The Best Email Marketing Software For Real Estate in 2024

Mailmunch is an all-in-one email marketing software that can help you create unique campaigns with

  1. Prebuilt Email Template Library
  2. Automation and Segmentation
  3. Custom Email Design
  4. Advanced Reporting
  5. User-Friendly Interface
  6. A/B Testing

And More

Click here to start your Mailmunch trial today.

List of Email Marketing Software for Real Estate in 2024

  1. Mailmunch - The best email marketing software for real estate professionals
  2. Mailchimp - A great email marketing software with easy automation
  3. Active Campaign - Best email marketing software for prebuilt templates and automation
  4. Get Response - An email marketing software to help create custom landing pages.
  5. Mailerlite - A pocket-friendly email marketing software option for real estate
  6. Brevo - A beginner-friendly email marketing option for real estate
  7. HubSpot - A great email marketing option for real estate with built-in CRM



Premium plans start at only $19/mo


  • Pop-up and sign-up forms
  • Pre-built email templates
  • User-friendly interface
  • A/B Testing
  • Custom email designs
  • Segmentation options
  • Automation
  • Reporting and Analytics

Best For

Real estate agencies that want an easy-to-learn, all-in-one email marketing solution should consider Mailmunch. Its advanced segmentation and analytics can help you reach the right customers and clients. 

You can create unique email marketing campaigns with pre-built templates and custom email designs.

Capture Leads with ease with Mailmunch



Paid plans start at $20/month, limited free plan


  • User-friendly dashboard
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Opt-in forms 
  • Custom landing pages
  • Drag and drop editor

Best For

Real estate agencies that want an all-in-one sales and marketing solution. With Mailchimp, you get access to unique features like viewing how your email looks on different platforms.

You also get access to additional features, such as integrations with tools like Canva, Zapier, and others, as well as advanced segmentation and analytics.

Active Campaign


Paid plans start at $49/month, 14-day free trial


  • Pre-built automation
  • Facebook Lead ADs
  • Email Templates
  • Email Designer

Best For

For agencies that want to automate their workflows, Active Campaign offers advanced automation features that can help realtors create campaigns and emails that are triggered through actions and sent automatically to clients.

Get Response


Paid plans start at $19/month, 30-day trial


  • Custom landing pages
  • Pre-built templates
  • Sales funnel
  • Advanced segmentation

Best For

Real estate agencies are looking for an email marketing solution to help them create custom landing pages.

The platform also offers easy-to-use features, making it a great option for agencies just starting out using email marketing software.



Free for 1000 contact, $18/mo for advanced plans


  • Facebook integration
  • Custom HTML editor
  • pop-ups
  • AI writing assistant

Best For

Real estate agencies are looking for a budget-friendly email marketing option. Just because Mailerlite is low in price doesn’t mean that it doesn’t offer great features.

You can access features like custom email designs and pre-built templates, automation, and more with Mailerlite.



Starting from $9/mo, free plan available


  • Marketing automation
  • A/B testing
  • Advanced Statistics
  • Send time optimization
  • Multi-user access
  • Phone support

Best For

Real estate agencies are looking for an email marketing tool that is budget-friendly and easy to learn and use.

You can also use it to send SMS or branded WhatsApp messages and create unique email marketing campaigns. 



Paid plans start at $20/month, free tools


  • Built-in CRM
  • Sign-up forms
  • Custom landing pages
  • Advanced automation
  • Integrations

Best For

Agencies looking to generate and nurture leads and create lasting client relationships. The platform offers an all-in-one marketing solution to its users.

Offering tools like a fast email editor, segmentation option, and free CRM solutions perfect for nurturing client relations.

Checklist for Selecting The Best Email Marketing Software for Real Estate 

While we have discussed the features you need to look for to find the best email marketing software for real estate, not everybody has the time to research from scratch.

To save you the hassle, we have created a simple checklist to help you tick off when looking for your real estate email marketing fit.

Essential Features:

  • Lead Capture and Segmentation:some text
    • Easy opt-in form creation
    • Segmentation by location, property interest, buyer/seller stage
  • Email Design and Automation:some text
    • Pre-built, customizable email templates
    • Automated email workflows (e.g., abandoned listing follow-ups)
  • Analytics and Integrations:some text
    • Detailed email campaign performance tracking
    • Integrations with CRM or other relevant tools

Additional Considerations:

  • User-friendly Interface:some text
    • Drag-and-drop email builder
    • Intuitive features for non-technical users
  • Scalability:some text
    • Ability to adapt to growing contact list and campaign needs
  • Budget:some text
    • Pricing fits within your allocated budget

Bonus Features:

  • Real Estate Specific Features:some text
    • Property listing integration
    • Open-house invitation templates
    • Market update email automation


Choosing the right email marketing software for your real estate business is very important if you want to succeed. 

Focusing on features like lead capture, segmentation, email automation, and analytics can help you create targeted campaigns that nurture leads and convert them into clients.

The good news is that we have found you the best email marketing software for real estate, Mailmunch. The platform offers all the necessary tools and more to help you create the perfect email marketing campaign to capture your audience's attention.

Author Bio

M. Usama

M. Usama is an SEO Growth Specialist and Content Marketer at Mailmunch. He is passionate about crafting engaging and informative content on email marketing and lead generation.


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