5 Types of Announcement Emails That Will Get Your Subscriber's Attention [2024]

Ammar Mazhar
Ammar Mazhar

Last updated on

April 25, 2024

The time has come for your new product to launch! You and your team have been waiting months to get through the development stage, and production is now underway. Finally, you turn your focus over to your marketing strategy -- specifically, how will you let your target audience know about the product launch?

The Answer? A Winning Announcement Email.

You could just shoot them a quick email, but you want to do more than that. You want your announcement email to be so effective that it informs your subscribers about the product launch and gets them excited about it too. Thankfully, utilizing a stellar email platform like Mailmunch can help you deliver this announcement email to thousands of your subscribers in an instant.

So, what types of announcement emails will grab your subscribers' attention and get them pumped for your new product or other big business announcements?

Let's look at seven business announcement emails you may encounter. 

What is an announcement email?

An announcement email is a type of email businesses use to communicate news or important information to their customers, clients, or employees. They can share many different types of announcements, but we find them most effective when used to launch a new product, announce a sale or promotion, or new feature that you want your consumers to be excited about.

While announcement emails can be an effective way to reach a wide audience, there are some primary objectives to consider before sending one. First, announcement emails can be perceived as spam if they are not well-targeted or relevant to the recipient. Second, they can be disruptive if they are not timed correctly or are sent too frequently. Finally, announcement emails need to be well-written and clear in the details to avoid confusing the reader. However, if you properly and appropriately time these announcement emails, they can be an indispensable tool in your digital marketing campaign if used correctly.

7 Types of announcement emails

Infographic: 7 Types of announcement emails

1. Product launch announcement email

If you're an eCommerce business, you are likely acquainted with this type of email. These emails go out to your list of subscribers to announce the launch of your company's new product.

While this may seem self-explanatory, there are tons of details you shouldn't overlook. Obviously, you should include the product name, details, and what it does. But a great product launch email goes beyond that.

Things to include in your product launch announcement emails

  • Create a sense of urgency such as "limited stock available" or "stock quickly running out"- this call to action will lead to quicker orders.
  • Let your subscribers feel exclusivity and loyalty- they will get access to the product before anyone else.
  • Minimalist email call to action - by not spilling all the beans in the email, your customer will be compelled to click the link to learn more about the product.
  • Showcase the aspiration. You're not selling a product; you're selling an emotion or aspiration that your customer wants to transform to.
  • Leverage the USP marketing model to highlight your product's differentiating factors.

A product launch announcement email can be a powerful marketing tool, allowing businesses to reach many targeted, potential customers with one email. So you must invest the time in the perfect launch email, and thankfully tools like Mailmunch provide email templates to help make the process easier. 

Product launch announcement emails examples:


For those of you who are unfamiliar, Swarovski is a high-end jewelry brand that specializes in spectacular crystals. In this particular product launch announcement email, they were promoting their new line of HALO collaboration crystals (a popular video game).

Prodct launch announcement emails example: Swarovski
Source: Swarovski

As you can see, they excelled in their minimalist imagery, allowing the HALO and crystal brands to do most of the talking. Their call-to-action utilizes insider verbiage like "Show Your Will" that all HALO gamers would recognize and be drawn to.

Posh Peanut

Posh Peanut is a popular clothing line mainly geared toward parents and children.

Product launch announcement email examples: Posh Peanut
Source: Posh Peanut

As you can see above, they include a "sneak peek" with a preview of their clothing line. They create a sense of urgency with their line "Launching Tomorrow" while giving a bit of exclusivity through their "Preview Now" Call to Action button.

2. Software release announcement email

With so many Software as a Service (SaaS) companies joining the market, it's no surprise their software release announcement email needs to make a big splash for new users to get excited. But how can digital companies accomplish this without a powerful product image?

Tips to get the most out of your software release announcement emails

  • Showcase your powerful brand identity: larger-than-life logo names, familiar logo colors, fonts, anything that would help a consumer recognize your company immediately.
  • Utilize eye-catching infographics to showcase the problem your software is going to solve quickly.
  • A short embedded video showcasing your platform or dashboard is a great way to teach your target audience what your software is capable of.

Once you’ve sent the initial announcement, utilize a tool like Mailmunch to easily create drip campaigns to keep the excitement going. 

Software launch announcement email examples:


Owlet is a company known for its smart socks and baby monitoring devices. Previously, it was all done on a monitor until they launched an app for parents to have another way to check in on their precious babies from a mobile device. Let’s check out the software announcement:

Software launch announcment email examples: Owlet

You can tell they’ve done a few things quite well. As a new software, they have let images of the app do most of the talking. You can visualize an easy-to-read dashboard about your baby’s readings, making it quick to understand the benefits of this new software product. 

3. New feature announcement emails

What if you already have a product or software out in circulation but have invested the time and energy to create a new feature that either alleviates a previous pain point with your product or opens up a box of new opportunities? That's where you want to create a feature release announcement email that will effectively educate the users of the product's full potential.

Things to remember when creating a new feature release:

  • Don't overdo it. Be sure to only send emails on major new features your consumers will want to know about. It's unnecessary to send an email every time a minor update is made.
  • Use language like "exciting news" or "did you know?" to help increase your email opening rates.
  • Demonstrate the value the feature will add to the product or software that your existing subscriber database may be missing. You can even use casual language in your subject line, like "Getting Annoyed with XYZ?" to show that you understand a particular missing feature.

New Feature Announcement Email Example:


Over the last few months, Jasper has transitioned from simply an AI writer to an entire AI content platform. Most recently, they have added an AI art generator feature to their product. Let’s check out their new feature announcement email:

New feature announcment emails: Jasper
Source: Jasper

Taking a look at the email, they've nailed it in a few ways. They've utilized compelling language like "the wait is over", an image gallery to showcase their software's capabilities, a quick bulleted list of how you (the consumer) can utilize the product, and a call-to-action to check out their gallery.

4. Pre-Order or waitlist announcement email

When you're launching a new product, it's essential to create a sense of anticipation and excitement. One great way to do this is to set up a pre-order or waitlist. This gives your customers a way to be among the first to get their hands on your new product, and it also helps you gauge demand and get an idea of how many units to produce.

Plus, it gives you an opportunity to collect email addresses so you can stay in touch with your customers about the launch. You can easily track these analytics through software like Mailmunch. So if you're launching a new product, don't forget to set up a pre-order or waitlist – and promote it with an announcement email.

4 benefits of creating a pre-order announcement email:

  1. It builds up the hype! Anticipation is key to a successful product launch.
  2. Manage your new product inventory. By seeing how many people subscribe to your waitlist, you have a more concrete idea of how many units to produce.
  3. You can test the market before you make your official launch, helping you with future sales.
  4. It also allows you to gain valuable feedback from customers before you launch the full release.

Pre-Order/Waitlist email example:


Vici is an online clothing store that often sells out quickly. Knowing that they create many "preorder" options for their loyal fanbase.

Pre-order or waitlist announcment email: Vici
Source: Vici

As you can see, they've taken a minimalist approach - six thumbnails of the clothing options available for preorder. They include a "Show Now" action button, and that's it. It will lead the customer straight to their external landing page, where their products can do the talking.

5. Event or webinar announcements email

Many times, hosting an event or webinar is a great way to increase your company's fan base and increase brand loyalty. This is particularly helpful for SaaS companies that may have a platform with hundreds of features that their customers aren't taking full advantage of. If you're hosting one of these events, you'll need to send out an exciting announcement email to persuade people to join the event.

Things to consider including in this type of business announcement email:

  • In the subject line, include the type and date of the event. People are very conscious of their calendars; if they're available, they'll be more inclined to continue reading.
  • Provide a brief explanation of the event schedule. This gives them a clear expectation of what to expect from the event.
  • Make a note of who's going to be there. People like knowing who is going to be speaking, whether that's the CEO of the company or a celebrity figure.
  • Don’t forget to send the customer to an engaging landing page.

Webinar announcement email example:

Professional Education/ MIT

Here is a webinar regarding artificial intelligence from the Applied Data Science Program at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Event or webinar announcement email: MIT
Source: Applied Data Science Program MIT

You can see several things they've done effectively: given you the clear expectations of the webinar, given a brief on who is presenting and their background, and a clear "Save Your Seat" button.

6. New business or change announcement email

Sometimes, you may have a general business announcement email you need to send out to inform your supporters of a significant change. It could be that you're starting a new business and need to inform your social media marketing campaign. Or perhaps you need to update your clients or consumer about a change in your legal agreements or terms. 

Things to include in your new business announcement email template:

  • Include the change in the subject line. If you need to inform readers about an important matter, be sure to place emphasis on the subject line, so they open the email up.
  • Be sure to include how this change could affect the consumer. Ultimately, why should they care about this change?

New business announcement Template:


PayPal is a popular payment site that is constantly having to update its business agreements and models to stay in compliance, legal or otherwise. Here’s how they notify their users:

New business announcement template: PayPal
Source: PayPal

Paypal has done a few important things. They make it clear what the changes to the business are. They let the consumer know if there’s any action they need to take. And lastly, they direct them to their site for more detailed information instead of creating a long email with all the details many would likely not pay attention to. 

7. Internal business announcement emails

Up until this point, we've discussed many types of announcement emails you may be sending to your customers or consumers. But what about those business announcement emails you need to send in-house? Luckily, Mailmunch can help you reach your entire organization with a few clicks. Here are a few types of internal emails you may need to deliver:

  1. Employee Announcement Email: An email that announces organizational structure changes or a new employee that is onboard.
  2. Open Position Announcement Email: This is when you are recruiting either internally or externally for a newly created or open position.
  3. Business Launch Emails: This is when the company is going to be launching a new service or product and your team needs to be aware of new changes within the company.

For these types of emails that are only going to your team, the best way to increase your opening rates is to put “mandatory read” or “please read for major update”. That way, your team knows to open the email. 

5 Tips for creating compelling announcement emails

1. Determine if your announcement is worthy

Depending on your business, you may send many business announcements via email. However, it's important to be selective about the announcements you send via email, as too many can quickly become overwhelming for both you and your recipients.

When deciding whether to send an email for a business announcement, ask yourself if the announcement is time-sensitive or if it would be just as effective to post it on your website or social media channels. If the answer is no, then resist the urge to hit "send" and save your business announcement for another time.

By being more selective about the business announcements you send via email, you can help to ensure that your messages are always well-received.

2. Create a visually appealing email format

Create a visuall appealing email format example: Stitch fix
Source: StitchFix

Announcement emails are a great way to share important news with your subscribers. However, if your email is visually unappealing, you run the risk of turning people away before they even read your message. That's why it's important to make sure your announcement email is visually appealing. Here are a few tips:

  • Use images and infographics to break up text and add visual interest.
  • Use font treatments, like bolding and italics, to highlight key points.
  • Use color to add contrast and draw attention to essential elements.

Following these tips ensures that your announcement email will stand out in your subscribers' inboxes and grab their attention from the start.

3. Strategically time your send-off

The timing of your announcement email is just as important as the content itself. If you send it too early, your recipients may not be ready to take action. If you wait too long, they may forget all about it. Instead, aim to send your email when your recipients are most likely to be engaged and able to take action.

For example, if you're announcing a new product, you might want to wait to announce it unless you're going to offer a pre-order or waitlist opportunity. Alternatively, if you're holding a sale, you'll want to make sure your email arrives in time for people to take advantage of the discount.

By carefully timing your announcement email, you can maximize its impact and ensure that your message is heard loud and clear. Luckily, there are great email marketing services available for this.

4. Provide a strong call-to-action (CTA)

Announcement emails are a great way to share important news with your subscribers. However, simply sharing the news is not enough. Your email should also include a call to action (CTA) that encourages recipients to take further action. 

A strong CTA can help to increase conversions, whether you're promoting a new product, inviting people to an event, or encouraging them to sign up for a newsletter. Including a CTA also shows that you're invested in your audience and want them to take an active role in your business. 

5. Include a killer subject line

Announcement email subject line examples
Announcement email subject line example
Source: Jasper

The subject line of your announcement email is important for two reasons. First, it's the first thing your recipients will see, so you want to make sure it's attention-grabbing and relevant. Second, a great subject line can help improve your open rates, which means more people will actually see your message. Be sure to track these with a platform like MailMunch. So how do you write a great subject line for an announcement email? Here are a few tips:

  • Keep it short and to the point - subject lines should be no longer than 50 characters.
  • Use keywords that relate to your topic - this will help improve your email's chances of being found in search results.
  • Be clear about what you're announcing - avoid vague or ambiguous subject lines.
  • Make it interesting - think of something that will pique your recipients' curiosity and make them want to learn more.
  • Add Emojis to increase the visual appeal of your email. 

By following these tips, you can write a subject line that will help ensure your announcement email is actually opened and increase your reading rates. 

Annouce yourself to the world with Mailmunch!

No matter what type of announcement you’re looking to send your target audience, it all begins with an email campaign and marketing platform like MailMunch to make the entire process easier from start to finish. Whether that’s with their prebuilt email templates or their marketing campaign capabilities, MailMunch can help you create a killer announcement email to engage your audience. 

Start today for free, and power your email marketing to new heights!

Author Bio

Ammar Mazhar

A voracious reader and a music lover, Ammar has been writing engaging and informative content for over 3 years for B2B and B2C markets. With a knack for writing SEO-optimized content, Ammar ensures the results speak for themselves.


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