Mailerlite vs Mailchimp: Which is Better?

M. Usama
M. Usama

Last updated on

June 20, 2024

You have decided to approach email marketing for your business but are curious about what to go with.

Well, it all depends on your needs and the business needs. Some may require a professional email marketing tool like Mailerlite, or you could be looking for an all-in-one digital marketing solution like Mailchimp.

Since both have unique features and propositions, let’s examine Mailerlite vs. Mailchimp and see which is the best fit for you.

Mailerlite vs Mailchimp: The Background

Mailerite vs Mailchimp, we cannot start without going through the background of both market leaders.


Starting with Mailerlite, the software launched on the market in 2010. Since the start, the software has always been easy to use. This makes it easier for new users to understand and learn.

The platform makes it easier for marketers to create complete email marketing campaigns due to its ease of usage.

Some of the platform's main features are landing pages, pop-ups, surveys, automation, and A/B testing.


Mailchimp, on the other hand, was launched in 2001 and has since become one of the top email marketing software programs.

The platform started by providing email marketing services but has since added more advanced features, making it a complete all-in-one platform.

These robust features include social media marketing, CRM, and landing pages, which most companies can use for a complete marketing strategy.

Main Features: Mailerlite vs Mailchimp

Starting with the main features of both software, it is easy to see that Mailchimp offers advanced features for advanced users.

Meanwhile, Mailerlite is more simplified and a good option for beginners and simple users, starting with email marketing.

Main Features



  • Drag-and-drop email editor
  • Subscriber management
  • Automation workflows
  • Landing pages
  • Pop-ups
  • Surveys
  • Email templates
  • Audience management
  • Marketing CRM
  • Behavioral targeting
  • A/B testing
  • Social media integration

Email Marketing Capabilities

  • Drag-and-drop email editor
  • Campaign reports
  • Subscriber segmentation
  • A/B testing

  • Templates and campaign builder
  • Audience segmentation
  • A/B testing
  • Behavioral targeting


Mailerlite vs. Mailchimp: When it comes to basic email marketing capabilities, both platforms offer the features required to create an email marketing campaign.

Landing Pages

  • Customizable landing page builder
  • Templates available
  • Integration with signup forms and pop-ups

  • Landing page builder
  • Customizable templates
  • A/B testing for landing pages


Mailerlite vs Mailchimp: Mailchimp is leading in the landing pages category as the platform offers more advanced features for landing page creation. While both platforms offer landing pages, Mailerlite has more simplified features, while Mailchimp has more advanced features.

Advanced Analytics

  • Basic email campaign reports (open rates, click rates, etc.)
  • Subscriber activity tracking

  • Advanced analytics dashboard
  • Comparative reports
  • Click maps and e-commerce tracking


Mailerlite vs. Mailchimp: Mailchimp also takes this category. The platform offers more advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, whereas Mailerlite offers basic reporting such as open rates, deliverability, etc.

Automated Emailing

  • Automation workflows
  • Auto-resend to unopened
  • Trigger-based emails

  • Marketing automation
  • Triggered emails
  • Customer journey mapping


Due to its advanced features, Mailchimp is also leading in the category, allowing marketers to set up triggered campaigns and more. On the other hand, Mailerlite offers automation but a more simplified version.


  • Focus on high deliverability rates
  • Anti-spam compliance

  • Emphasis on deliverability and inbox placement
  • Proactive measures against spam


Mailchimp and Mailerlite prioritize deliverability and ensure that emails make it into their customers' inboxes.

Due to its proactive approaches and solutions, Mailchimp has a slight edge in this category.


  • Limited CRM features (basic subscriber management)
  • Integrated CRM
  • Audience management with customer profiles


Both platforms offer CRM solutions. Mailchimp offers more advanced ones, while Mailerlite offers the basic version.


  • Email support
  • Knowledge base
  • Video tutorials

  • Email and chat support
  • Knowledge base and community forums
  • Phone support for higher-tier plans


Both platforms offer customer support both in and after the integration. Mailchimp offers more extensive support options, including chat and phone support, which may benefit users who need more immediate assistance.

Mailerlite vs Mailchimp: Which offers better pricing?

If you are making your decisions based on which platform is budget-friendly and offers the basic features at a great price, Mailerlite is the best choice.

The platform offers not just a great basic plan but also an amazing free plan. Users can enjoy 1000 contacts with 12000 emails for free, compared to Mailchimp’s 500 free contacts with 1000 emails.

Another advantage that the platform offers is unlimited emailing on all its paid plans, while Mailchimp offers limited emails per plan.

You can check out the different plans and pricing for Mailerlite vs Mailchimp below.




Free plan

500 contacts and 1000 emails per month

1,000 contacts for free and 12,000 emails/month

5,000 subscribers


50,000 emails


Unlimited emails

10,000 subscribers


100,000 emails


Unlimited emails

50,000 subscribers


500,000 emails


Unlimited emails

100,000 subscribers


1,200,000 emails


Unlimited emails

Pros and Cons: Mailerlite vs Mailchimp




User-friendly interface

Limited advanced automation features

Affordable pricing

Basic reporting capabilities

Drag-and-drop editor

No built-in landing page builder


Can be restrictive for complex email workflows

Responsive customer support

Limited integrations with other platforms

A/B testing capabilities

Some users find template options limited




User-friendly interface

Can become expensive at higher subscriber counts

Extensive Template Library

Automation features are somewhat limited compared to advanced platforms

Powerful automation capabilities

Support can be slow during peak times

Advance Reporting

The interface can be overwhelming for beginners

Integration with numerous third-party apps

Free plans are limited

A/B Testing

Limited customization options for email templates

Mailerlite vs Mailchimp: Who should use them?

Mailchimp is a comprehensive email marketing platform suitable for users who need a wide range of digital marketing features beyond lead generation. 

On the other hand, Mailerlite is a great choice someone that is just starting out their business or are a small business looking to start with email marketing.

Your choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and priorities in email marketing.

Mailerlite vs Mailchimp: The Results

While Mailchimp is the bigger name in email marketing platforms, as we have seen above, name and popularity aren’t everything.

Both platforms have advantages for their specific audiences. Mailerlite may be a great fit for start-ups and businesses new to email marketing.

Mailchimp is a great option for industry leaders looking for a solution that fits their email and digital marketing needs.

If you ask us, we suggest Mailerlite for an affordable fix, but if you need the best solutions, then Mailchimp is the fix for you.

Choosing between Mailerlite and Mailchimp depends on your specific marketing requirements, budget, level of sophistication in email marketing, and automation capabilities.

Author Bio

M. Usama

M. Usama is an SEO Growth Specialist and Content Marketer at Mailmunch. He is passionate about crafting engaging and informative content on email marketing and lead generation.


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