How to Write The Thank You Email After Interview

M. Usama
M. Usama

Last updated on

June 24, 2024

You’ve just finished the interview and you’re excited about the job. What now?

Apart from waiting, the first thing you should do is write the perfect thank you email. You want to say thank you to the interviewer. You may also want to get an update on the position.

That sounds good but is confusing. Don’t worry. We are here to help you out. Here’s how to write the thank you email after interview.

Why Send the Thank You Email After Interview

Apart from being polite. A thank you email after interview shows four things that can get you the job.

A thank you email means:

Creating a connection

A thank you email is a great way to start a conversation with the interviewer. It gives you a chance to showcase your interest while also showing that you are informed about the company and the interviewer.

Another way a thank you email can help is by keeping you at the forefront of the interviewer's mind. Since interviewers conduct multiple interviews per day, there is a chance that you might slip through the cracks.

Stand Out from Other Candidates

Did you know only 1 out 4 candidates email their interviewers to thank them?

Investing time in creating and sending a thank you email after interview increases your chances of standing out.

By taking just 15 to 20 minutes out of your time to create a thank you email and send it to your interviewer. You can vastly improve your chances of getting hired for the position.

Even if not hired, this still leaves an impression on the interviewer. Who, as a part of the hiring team, can possibly suggest you for other positions with the higherups?

Highlights Your Professionalism

A well-crafted thank-you email shows your follow-up. You talked about your professionalism with the interviewer. Now, the email shows that you have professional skills and are willing to work to achieve things.

The Position Matters to You

Interviewers understand that candidates might be interviewing at other places. This is why they put time in finding a candidate who is committed to the company and the position.

A thank you email after interview shows the hiring manager that you are actually interested in the position and want to be a part of the team.

You have shown them your skills and accolades through the interview process, now it is time to show them your interest in the position via email.

What to include in the Thank You Email After Interview

When writing the thank you email after interview, remember a few things. Keep it short and concise but send it within 24 hours of the interview.

Here are a few more things you can do to make an impact on your interviewer with your thank you email after interview.

Address the Interviewer

Start by addressing the person correctly. Ask your interviewer for their business card if you want to make an impression. This will help you remember the interviewer's name and the correct spelling of the person’s name.

A personalized email shows you were actually paying attention during the interview and know a few things about the interviewer. 

If they asked you to address them with a short form of their name, you can use that in the email as well.

Thank the Interviewer

Thank the interviewer for their time and efforts. A thank you at the start of the email shows that you are grateful. It also shows that you value their time and efforts.

You want to show the reader that they are appreciated. To do so, you can start your email with words like “Thank you for taking the time” or “I am grateful for your time.”

Provide a Hook

Provide a hook that shows your interest in the company. This can include mentioning something that you both discussed in the interview. 

Including something that you both have discussed in the interview or include something you both have in common. This can help you keep the conversation going.

You can also mention that your skill set might be suited for the position. Doing so shows that you are completely interested in the position and working at the company.

Express Your Interest

In the latter part of your email, express your interest in the position by showing how you can add to the company. 

However, remember not to go overboard with the information. You are not bragging; you are simply telling them how your skills can help the company and their teams.

Express your interest in the position again. This shows you’re interested and are considering the position.

Answer Additional Questions

Offer to answer any additional questions the interviewers may have. In the end, leave the conversation open by adding things like “If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me.” 

This helps you keep the line of communication open with the interviewer and see if you can keep the conversation going. 

The Do’s and Don’t

Now that we’ve covered what to include in your thank you email after interview, let’s look at the do’s and don’ts of writing the thank you email.


  • Send it within 24 hours of the interview
  • Proofread and check for errors or spelling mistakes
  • Say more than just thank you. Thank the interviewer
  • Show you’re interested in the position
  • Follow any instructions given by the interviewer
  • Mention some key points of the interview


  • Don’t ramble on. Keep it short.
  • Don’t overwhelm the interviewer.
  • Don’t forget to personalize.
  • Don’t be too casual.
  • Don’t use a template, personalization is key
  • Don’t ask for a response
  • Don’t mention anything negative. Keep it positive

Sample Thank You Email After Interview

Here are a few examples of generic thank you emails to help you get started with your own thank you email after interview.

Sample 1

Subject: Thank You for the Interview

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I want to express my sincerest gratitude for meeting with me today to discuss the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Learning more about the role and exciting projects at your company was a pleasure.

I am particularly excited about [specific aspect of the role or company discussed during the interview]. I believe that my relevant skills and expertise would be a great fit in the company.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. Thank you again for the opportunity, and I look forward to working together.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Sample 2

Subject: Appreciation for the Interview Opportunity

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am grateful for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Hearing about the company's innovative projects and collaborative culture was highly motivating.

I am particularly drawn to [specific aspect of the role or company] and am excited about the possibility of contributing to [mention a project or initiative discussed during the interview].

Thank you again for considering me as a candidate for the position. I am eager to hear about the next steps in the hiring process and am available for any further discussions or questions you may have.

Warm regards, 

[Your Name]

Sample 3

Subject: Thank You for Your Time

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

It was great speaking with you today about the possibility of me being the right fit for your team. I appreciate your transparency in the project the company is working on and their collaborative culture.

It feels like an amazing team and people to work with huge growth potential. I am excited about the possibility of being part of the team.

Please contact me anytime if you have any questions or want to continue our conversation.

I look forward to being in touch with you.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 4

Subject: Thank You

Dear Mr. [Interviewer Name],

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to meet with me today to discuss [Position at Company]. I appreciate the opportunity and your business's history. Your stories show how much the company cares about its employees and customers.

From our conversion, I understand that maintaining top-notch service is a priority for the business, and you are looking for people who want to continue the legacy for years to come.

As I have shared, I come from a family that understands the importance of hard work and perseverance and I am looking to put roots with a company I can be proud to work for. I am excited about the possibility of joining your team.

If you have any questions or want to continue our conversation, please feel free to reach out at any time.


[Your Name]

Sample 5

Hi [Interviewer Name],

Thank you so much for meeting with me today. It was a pleasure to learn more about the company and the team. I am very excited about the opportunity to join [Company Name].

With my skills and experience, I am confident that I can help bring more clients to the [Company] and work well with your team to develop the business.

I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps in the hiring process. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can provide additional information.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 6

Subject: Thank You for the Interview - [Your Name]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I extend my sincerest gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name] earlier today.

Our discussion about [specific topic discussed during the interview] was particularly enlightening, and it reinforced my excitement about the possibility of joining your team. I am genuinely impressed by [mention something specific about the company or the interviewer's insights]. I am even more eager to contribute to [company's mission/project/goal] in any way I can.

I am drawn to [mention a specific aspect of the role or company culture] and believe that my experience in [mention relevant skills or experiences] aligns well with the team's needs. I am confident that my background in [mention relevant experience or achievements] would enable me to make meaningful contributions from day one.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any further information from me or if there are any additional steps in the hiring process. I am more than happy to provide any references or materials you may require.

Once again, thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together and contributing to the continued success of [Company Name].

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Final Thoughts

Your thank you email after interview sets the tone after the interview, so don’t skip the step. It can help you land an ace in the hole. 

However, also be mindful that the email you send will get an instant response. At times, it will just be left unread.

Whatever the case. After an interview, taking 15 to 20 minutes to create a thank you email can help you stand out from the other candidates.

Author Bio

M. Usama

M. Usama is an SEO Growth Specialist and Content Marketer at Mailmunch. He is passionate about crafting engaging and informative content on email marketing and lead generation.


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