Best Email Marketing Software for Startups in 2024

M. Usama
M. Usama

Last updated on

June 24, 2024

Being a startup is not easy. You have to start with a limited budget and resources, and you don’t want to spend much money on marketing.

Email marketing is the perfect route for you, offering you a wide range of features like email builders and designers, automation, custom templates, and more to make things easier.

We have searched the internet for the best email marketing software for startups. So, if you are interested, we suggest you keep reading.

A Quick Pick Section To Use Best Email Marketing Software for Startups

Mailmunch: The Best Email Marketing Software for Startups

Light on the pocket with amazing advanced features, Mailmunch is the best option for Startups

  • Advanced segmentation
  • Drag-and-drop email builder
  • Pre-made templates
  • Custom landing pages
  • A/B testing
  • Analytics and Reporting

Start Your Mailmunch Free Trial Today

List of Email Marketing Software for Startups in 2024

  1. Mailmunch
  2. Mailchimp
  3. Constant Contact
  4. Active Campaign
  5. Brevo
  6. Best Response
  7. Mailerlite
  8. Campaign Monitor



It starts at $19/mo for a premium plan and offers a limited free trial.


  • Advanced segmentation
  • Drag-and-drop email builder
  • Pre-made templates
  • Custom landing pages
  • A/B testing
  • Analytics and Reporting

Best For

For startups of all sizes, since Mailmunch is scaleable, it doesn’t matter where you are starting from and what scale your business is.

Mailmunch offers you access to premium tools like advanced analytics which are helpful in crafting demographics and segmentation for your business.

Target the right people at the right time with Mailmunch’s high delivery rates and custom email builders.



Paid plans start at $20/month, limited free plan


  • Email templates
  • Automation
  • A/B testing 
  • Segmentation and Targeting
  • Push notifications
  • Retargeting ads

Best For

Mailchimp is great for startups because it offers a wide variety of features to help aid your business's marketing efforts.

The platform comes with pre-built email templates that are helpful when you want to target customers during a specific event or occasion.

Mailchimp also offers advanced automation that helps keep your customers engaged with your business's content.

Constant Contact


Paid plans start at $12/month, 60-day free trial


  • Event Marketing
  • Newsletter templates
  • Drip Campaigns
  • Autoresponders

Best For

Small startups that are just starting out their business and need a basic but powerful email marketing software to help with their marketing efforts.

The platform offers all the necessary email marketing features, such as an email builder, newsletter templates, and a basic email designer, to help you get started.

Active Campaign


Paid plans start at $49/month, 14-day free trial


  • Automation
  • Pre-built Templates
  • Segmentation
  • Pop-ups 

Best For

Startups that are more technologically advanced since the platform is complex and harder for new learners to understand.

Active Campaign is a great option for startups looking to build automation campaigns. It features various tools like custom templates and email designers to help out.



Paid plans start at $25/month, limited free plan


  • Email and SMS Marketing
  • Landing Pages
  • A/B Testing
  • Great Customer Support

Best For

With its user-friendly features and interface, Brevo is the perfect option for smaller startups. Offering all the basic tools that are required to build unique email marketing campaigns.

It may be higher in price, but it comes with an additional SMS marketing feature that can be added to your email marketing efforts.

Get Response


Paid plans start at $19/month, 30-day trial


  • AI Integration
  • Advanced Reporting
  • E-commerce Integration
  • Push Notifications

Best For

Perfect for startups that don’t have advanced design capabilities, they can use the email builder or choose from the custom template library to kickstart their email marketing campaigns.

The platform allows you to set up automated workflows that, once built, can leave you worry-free about your email marketing.



Paid plans start at $10/month, free plan


  • Digital Product Marketing
  • A/B Testing
  • Facebook Campaigns
  • Email Builder

Best For

Startups that want an affordable option to start their email marketing journey. The platform is easy to learn and understand, so it can be used easily by new users.

Along with email marketing, a unique feature that Mailerlite offers is its ability to sell digital products. You can easily create guides, e-books, etc, and market them to your customers directly through the platform.

Campaign Monitor


Paid plans start at $9/month, free plan


  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics
  • Email Template Library
  • A/B Testing
  • Timezone Sending

Best For

Best fro startups that are in their growth phase, that require the help of an advanced yet easy-to-learn email marketing tool to help with email marketing campaigns.

Featuring more than 80 templates, the platform is perfect for event marketing or creating an event-focused campaign.

Along with templates, you also get access to a drag-and-drop email builder, which helps create unique email marketing campaigns for the business.

How to Choose The Right Email Marketing Software for Startups

The right email marketing software can help you quickly generate and nurture leads, a must for any startup.

Here are a few things to consider when selecting the best email marketing software for your startup.

  • Start by carefully considering your company objectives. What do you want from an email marketing software?
  • Budgets: another point to consider is how much money you can use for a subscription.
  • Since you have a budget in mind, you can pick the prices that best suit your budgetary requirements.
  • You want to look for flexible email marketing software that can grow with your business.
  • Since the software is still new to your business, you want one that comes with a dedicated support team to help with your queries.
  • Look for email marketing software with all the features you want.
  • Free trials and demos are a great way to test software before committing to it.
  • You want your emails to land in your customer's inboxes, not their spam folders. Look for software with a high delivery rate.

Email Marketing Software for Startups Checklist

Here is a simple checklist to help you kickstart your journey to finding the best email marketing software for startups.

1. Affordability

  • Start with your budget. Does it allow a new software?
  • Are there flexible pricing plans?

2. Ease of Use

  • Is the software user-friendly for non-technical users?
  • Does it offer customizable templates for easy email creation?

3. Automation

  • Does the software provide automation features?
  • Can you set up automated email sequences and drip campaigns?

4. Integrations

  • Does the software integrate seamlessly with your startup's tools?
  • Are there third-party integrations available for customization?

5. Scalability and Growth

  • Is the software scalable to accommodate your startup's growth?
  • Can it handle larger email lists and increased campaign volume?

6. Personalization and Segmentation

  • Does the software allow for personalized email content?
  • Can you segment your email list based on customer demographics, behavior, or preferences?

7. Analytics and Reporting

  • Does the software provide detailed analytics to track email performance?
  • Are there reporting tools to measure open rates, click-through rates, and conversions?

8. Compliance and Deliverability

  • Is the software compliant with GDPR and other data protection regulations?
  • Does it offer features to improve email deliverability and spam?

9. Customer Support

  • What level of customer support does the software provider offer?
  • Are there additional resources such as webinars or community forums for support?

10. Trial or Demo

  • Can you try the software with a free trial or demo to assess its suitability for your startup?
  • Are there any hidden costs or limitations to be aware of during the trial period?

11. Reviews and Recommendations:

  • Have you researched reviews and recommendations?
  • Are there case studies or success stories from startups using the software effectively?

12. Future Needs

  • Does the software offer room for customization and adaptation to future needs?
  • Can you switch to another provider if your startup outgrows the software or requires different features?

Final Thoughts

Email marketing is a great tool for startups as it requires minimum costs but provides various features.

Startups can easily form their marketing strategies around email marketing and test their campaigns using email marketing software.

To make things easier, we tested several email marketing tools and found the best one currently on the market. Mailmunch is the best email marketing software for startups.

So try it out today and let us know your thoughts below. 

Author Bio

M. Usama

M. Usama is an SEO Growth Specialist and Content Marketer at Mailmunch. He is passionate about crafting engaging and informative content on email marketing and lead generation.


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